In 1993, Klaus Gertz established an agency for technical documentation in Freiburg, a town on the edge of the Black Forest in southern Germany. Originally the agency specialised in the production of instructions for use, product information material and servicing instructions for various medical technology firms. Soon the clientele expanded to include mechanical engineering firms (machines for screen printing, special machines), for whom operating and service instruction manuals were produced.
In January 1996 the range of services was further expanded to include technical translation. Undine Calmbach will be pleased to answer all your questions in respect of translation and foreign language proofreading and editing.
Klaus Gertz
- Electrical Engineer (specialist field: control engineering )
- Vocational qualification as Technical Communicator
- Many years of experience as Technical Editor, originally in a company specialising in control engineering, afterwards in the field of medical technology. Well versed in the production of instructions for use, operating and service manuals and other published material.
- Head of the ‘Technical Documentation’ department in a medical technology company
Undine Calmbach
- Graduate translator for English and Russian
- Degree qualification 1979 in Applied Linguistics from the University of Mainz in Germersheim
- Since 1979: Translator for product software, manuals, servicing documentation, marketing material and technical publications in the fields of medical technology and mechanical engineering
- Vocational qualification as subject specialist for technical editing awarded by the Technische Akademie Esslingen. Thesis: Oral presentation of a paper on the issue of intercommunication between technical editors and translators
- Sworn translator for English, appointed by and accredited to the District Court of Freiburg
- Project leader for multilingual translation projects
- Member of the BDÜ (German professional association for interpreters andtranslators), ata (American Translators Association), and tekom (German professional association for technical communicators)